Gardens of Remembrance – Tome 2
{ From the introduction of Tome 2 }
“Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.” This quote –attributed to novelist Mark Twain– is more than applicable to Tome 2 of the Gardens of Remembrance series. As this is a self-published one-man-project I can whole-heartedly say that volume 2 is a continuation and improvement to where part 1 ended.
Love the books. Great quality. Beautiful. Thanks so much
{ Shelley | Etsy }
Similarly to the previous volume, I added the same four chapters, namely: ‘Sepia shades‘, ‘In the shadows’, ‘Transitional’ and ‘Vividus’, in which I try to portray the particular sentiment of those abandoned places by experimenting, jesting with light/perspective/depth and –of course– a certain amount of the mandatory ‘dark aesthetic’.
Gardens of Remembrance Tome 2 promo reel.
As featured in its predecessor, this book covers the invigorating beauty of cemeteries from Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and Germany. I additionally added some iconic and must-see burial grounds from both Luxembourg and Spain. It goes without saying that more countries will be added in future volumes.
This is a feast for the eyes and any lover of dark photography. Very nice collection of images and text in a nice publication. Super fast service and good communication with the seller! Definitely recommended to follow further as there are still a few gems in the making.
{ Stéphanie | Etsy}
Also, littered throughout this book entitled ‘The language of burial monuments’, are informative snippets that focus on specific iconography that can be found –clarifying the use of some striking historical symbolism. I sincerely hope this labour of love can serve as an inspiration, a reference book or simply a place to momentarily escape and aesthetically dream away.
Gardens of Remembrance Tome 2
A4 Deluxe edition
Limited to 250 books
300 pages
Over 250 images from different countries
20+ pages on history, symbolism and iconography

“Captivating! These photo books guide you through an incredible experience. Showcasing stunning images burial sites and the lingering beauty of deteriorated memories.”
— The Cranial Chaos
Tome 1
Sold out! (2022)
Tome 2
Released 2023
Tome 3
Released 2024
Released 2024
2024 Events
De Duystere Markt, NL
April 14, 2024 – 10-18h
Rusheuvelstraat 5,
5346 JH Oss, NL -
Rariteitenbeurs, BE
June 1, 2024
‘t Noorden: Armenstraatje 1/4
2040 Zandvliet, BE -
De Duystere Markt, BE
Date TBA
Thor park: André Dumontlaan 67
3600 Genk, BE